Mindset Fitness Fundamentals

The Missing X-Factor!

Imagine what it's like to be clear on what you want and know precisely how to get it.

Obstacles melt away

Positive momentum kicks-in

You experience more ease and flow

To Achieve Mindset Fitness...

  • Get support to clear your mental, emotional, and physical clutter.

  • Dial down the ten forms of inner self-sabotage currently undermining and wreaking havoc with your life.

  • Mindfully up-level your Positive Intelligence [PQ] to regain energy and inner strength every day.

Enjoy the sense of calm, confidence & being in-command!

Positive Intelligence is Stanford researched and scientifically verified.


What is Mindset Wellness?

1. Increased ability to respond to challenges with a positive perspective and resilience.

2. Easily measured, scientifically validated program to improve

  • Performance - go within and activate the power you never knew existed

  • Achievement - function at your highest potential

  • Freedom - tame & transform toxic inner self-sabotage anywhere, anytime

  • Fulfillment - experience radical shifts as you feel calmer, more confident and highly connective and creative

3. Apply the Positive Intelligence® Framework (aka PQ-Model)

In just a few weeks, install mindset wellness fundamentals and improve your PQ. You will get tangible, fast, doable, desired results to uplift your mood, live with less stress and deepen important relationships

A Unique — Exclusive — Customized Program highly recommended by Shirzad Chamine and outlined in his best selling book.

You Receive Support Every Step of the Way!

Click this button now...

Let's talk...

Benefits of Exploring Mindset Wellness With Me?

Here's what one article says...

A former W4WN Radio/Talk4TV Host & Coach-Therapist, Lorraine LaPointe, has a unique system for building your daily mental and emotional wellness and strengthening your mind's self command.

Quinte West News Article (Feb 2021) -- No doubt, life can be tough at times!

In the last few years, there's been plenty of stress, uncertainty, and frustrations to test our patience.

However strangely, some seem to thrive.

Do you wonder what YOU'RE missing?

Lorraine LaPointe says freeing yourself of blame, bitterness, or drama helps you feel more satisfied. You can thrive ...even in challenging times!

Her company, Head Heart Synergy, teaches Mindset Wellness Fundamentals and provides a brief online quiz to tell you EXACTLY what's currently undermining your thinking and sabotaging your life.

Book a Clarity Conversation with her to see how to empower yourself today!

Program Overview:

Don't miss this opportunity!

Click to choose a convenient time

Give Yourself A Gift

Participate through a private, customized PQ-App downloaded to your device.

Receive daily guidance, LIVE Coaching, plus a virtual coach 24/7.

Declare yourself a priority and maximize results.

Options include:

-PQ program ($997) app with LIVE, private coaching ($2000)

The Positive Intelligence system to change your life for...


AND choose to include a complete paradigm shift in a specific area of life ($5000)

...a $7997 VALUE

Combined experience for only

...for a short time

Tweak Your Wellness Mission...

In a few weeks, I will feel great on purpose. Overcoming self-sabotage will strengthen my positive focus and empower my ability to thrive, even in challenging times.

As my mood improves, stress will lift, and my relationships will feel closer and more connected.

I can shed painful, confusing emotions like guilt, blame, and shame, to unlock my hidden potential. Soon, I will have clarity of mind, greater self-worth, self-compassion & trust.

With support, over the next few weeks, I will apply the any-where, any-time PQ tools and techniques and gain the results I deserve and desire.

Your signature here: ______________________

Discover Mindset Wellness Fundamentals Today!

If Inner Saboteurs say "NO" ask yourself: If not THIS, what?

If not NOW, when?



Head Heart Synergy

Henry Street


Ontario K0K 3E0



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