Head Heart Synergy

Service Agreement

Head Heart Synergy Agreement

Breakthrough Paradigm Shift

This Head Heart Synergy Service Agreement

establishes a foundation for the work we will do together.

Optimal Coaching Experience

In the circumstances discussed, I recommend the complete breakthrough package.

12-15 hours of sessions, typically scheduled in 1-2 hour experiences, and includes:

- Personal Detailed History

- Plan for Breakthrough & Recovery

- Release of Negative Emotions

- Release of Limiting Decisions

- Resolution of Internal Conflicts

- New Strategies and Setting Future Goals

Please connect as agreed through Zoom (https://lorraine.link/zoom) or phone (905-718-0807) or the home office location, time and dates as scheduled, unless other arrangements have been made. Between regular sessions, we can communicate through email or text message.

Your "Participate and It Will Work" Guarantee!

You deserve the best coaching experience, because this is about taking positive action to develop a powerful foundation on which to simplify and manage your life.

What I have found is that if you show up to appointments, participate fully, and believe in your ability to benefit, you will get results.

Henry Ford said it best, "Whether you believe you can, or believe you can't... You're Right! "

I guarantee that I'm "All IN "! Are you?

If you are ready to experience the desired results, and agree to work with me in making this happen, choose:

"YES! I Accept" ** and submit payment.

(Read the Disclosure and Consent For Hypnosis and Coaching below)

Private Coaching Services
No products available

**Disclosure and Consent For Hypnosis and Coaching

NOTE: Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist/Practitioner are used interchangeably in the following document.

By clicking the "I Accept" button above, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and I agree to do business electronically and digitally as required and stated here.

I have been advised by Lorraine LaPointe, Head Heart Synergy, of the scope of hypnosis and coaching contained within this Agreement and I give my full consent to receive the sessions.

I understand that results vary and that the above name practitioner may not guarantee results. Hypnosis/Coaching is not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric services or counseling.

I understand that the Hypnotist/Life Coach does not treat, prescribe or diagnose any condition.

I understand that the practitioner is a facilitator of hypnosis or coaching and is not practicing any other profession that requires a license under the laws of the Province of Ontario.

I am aware and understand that in some cases it may be necessary for the practitioner to respectfully touch my shoulder(s), hand, wrist, or forehead in order to assist in relaxation and focus. I give the practitioner permission and consent to do so in order to help establish a beneficial state of hypnosis.

I have been advised that I am free to terminate any or all sessions at any time and I have agreed to participate in each session to the best of my ability.

I understand that video and audio taping are common aids used in the supervision, research and training for hypnotherapists. I grant permission to use my image, likeness and sound of my voice without payment or any other consideration above the professional services rendered.

I have accurately provided background information as requested by the hypnotist/life coach.

I understand that confidentially regarding my sessions will be honored and respected.


There are two aspects to a coaching relationship. The first includes the strategies and tactics and doing what I call the "internal work;" identifying and updating the core beliefs and habits currently creating your life experiences.

The second aspect is what makes the work so valuable are ever-increasing levels of attraction or decreasing levels of fear. The attraction is for things and people you want in life, and fears are any phobias or worries that are causing issues.

You are the greatest expert, knowing what's happening in your life. So, together we will help you get in touch with your inner-expert - your own inner thoughts and voices.

We all have parts of ourselves that know exactly what is best for us and give us clues every day about what to do next.

By learning to pay attention to the clues, we can be drawn to people, things and situations that are outside of our current awareness.

The aim is to teach you to use your natural internal guidance system to develop self-trust, release limiting beliefs and heal your inner psyche, so life can become more enjoyable.


Before your first visit, you can view a YouTube video: “The Truth About Hypnosis,” explaining how hypnosis works, why it is better than using human Will-power alone, and why you don’t need to fear this work together because we use this natural state of mind.

Please feel free to take notes, and if you have questions, bring them with you.

Hypnosis is a very powerful process that has helped thousands of people to make the kinds of changes that they want to make in their lives. However, it is not mind control.

For example, no one, not even the very best hypnotist, could make you change a belief or behaviour if you really don’t want to. Nor could we accurately predict how many sessions it will take.

Most people (but not everyone) begin to experience the benefits from the very first session and most people are healthier in a few sessions. Some enjoy the benefits so much, they attend for much longer periods of time.

Hypnosis is one of many tools that may be used. Others include: a Clearing Beliefs processes, Body Wisdom, Voice Dialogue, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT).

The Head Heart Synergy services are not in any way to be construed as, nor a replacement for, psychotherapy, legal counsel, or medical advice. You will not be prescribed medication nor diagnosed with any condition.

More importantly, you are ultimately responsible for your choices, decisions and results.


Video and audio recording are common aids used in the supervision, research and training for coaches and hypnotherapists.

You grant permission to use your image, likeness and sound of voice without payment or any other consideration above the professional services rendered. Head Heart Synergy is given the right to edit and reuse this media for educational purposes.

Although anonymity is intended, the potential for identification always exists. You agree not to hold the practitioner, or any company affiliated with, liable for any outcomes resulting directly or indirectly from this relationship.


Ultimately, you are responsible for the changes that occur as a result of the sessions. This is “good” and “bad”.

It is “bad” because there is no guarantee how or if the changes will come about. This is true in any situation where a professional is trying to help, because there is always a human factor.

Doctors don’t guarantee that you getting well. Teachers can’t guarantee learning, and lawyers can’t guarantee that you will “win” your case. What I guarantee, is that through my company, Head Heart Synergy, I provide the very best service, using the most current information, and appropriate methods I know, for your situation.

On the other hand, it's “Good” because after you have made the desired changes, you deserve a great deal of the credit. This understanding can help you make more further changes, because the discussion and tools are yours for life.


My philosophy:

Each person can approach life in ways that transform your capacity to achieve more of what you want, with considerably less effort, once you have the required tools or techniques. Therefore,

as your coach, you can expect me to:

1. Be a partner in bringing out the best, the deepest, and the truest parts in you

2. Provide safety, encouragement and support; an environment in which you can relax and explore

3. Respect the confidentiality of the agreements we make

4. Expand your view of what is possible and promote discovery of new insights

5. Give you input, feedback and operate as a sounding board

6. Listen carefully to what is said and ask questions that increase your awareness.

7. Be an on-going support for you to accomplish your intentions.

If the session is in person, you may be asked for permission to respectfully touch your hand, arm, shoulder or forehead.

as my client, I expect that you (or your child as my client) will:

1. Cultivate a core honesty with yourself

2. Commit to intentions that are truly meaningful and significant

3. Be open to feedback, and keep me informed as to what is and is not working for you

4. Take ownership for your progress and accomplishments

5. Take financial responsibility for your coaching time. If you are unable to give two days of notice for a missed appointment, you may receive your coaching via email exchange using the tools provided.


Clients must make any changes (e.g. rescheduling or canceling their appointment) at least two working days before their appointment or they may forfeit the appointment.

As you might expect, there is some variation in the length of sessions. Sometimes a session may continue for another 10 or 15 minutes because stopping the session at a particular time may be inappropriate, especially if the issue being dealt with is emotional, and the client needs some time to regain composure. So, sometimes we will run a little longer, shorter or later than anticipated. Please accept that it is for a good reason, and always in support of the client.


The Coach represents, warrants and agrees as follows:

All information provided by the Client to the Coach during the course of the coaching relationship is deemed "Confidential Information," and kept strictly confidential unless otherwise agreed in writing.

The Coach will not disclose any communications, either verbal or written, that have taken place either between the Coach and the Client or with regard to this Agreement, without the prior consent of the Client.

This confidentiality restriction also applies to testimonials, which the Coach may use for promotional reasons only with the consent of the Client. The Client may request anonymity in connection with any testimonials to be used.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, "Confidential Information" does not include information that is:

(a) previously known to the Coach prior to discussions regarding this Agreement, free from any obligation to keep it confidential, or

(b) publicly disclosed by the Client either prior to or subsequent to the receipt by the Coach of such information, or

(c) independently developed by the Coach without any access to Confidential Information, or

(d) rightfully obtained by the Coach from a third party lawfully in possession of Confidential Information who is not bound by confidentiality obligations to the Client.

The Coach may disclose Confidential Information if required to do so under applicable law, rule or order; provided that the Coach, where reasonably practical and to the extent legally permissible, provides the Client with prior written notice of the required disclosure.

The Coach will return, or at the Client's request, destroy, all copies of the Confidential Information in the Coach’s possession or control upon termination of this Agreement.


Head Heart Synergy

Pulla Street


Ontario K8V 5P7



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