What if...

...you could break through resistance, build self-assurance, and live an incredible life?


You Can!

Does this sound familiar?

  • Life is "okay," but no matter how much you do, there's still an achy emptiness, like something is... Missing? Incomplete? Unfulfilling?

    Yes, that's it: unfulfilling.

    Something you should be achieving, but aren't...

  • You please others, work hard, and often set aside your dreams & desires ...just to avoid criticism.

  • Although you strive for perfection, a nagging voice in your mind reminds you that you're still not worthy.

  • The secret feelings of inadequacy or numbness prevent you from deeply connecting with others to receive the validation, acceptance, and love you deserve.

  • It's painful to second-guess yourself - battle self-doubt and crave the clarity of a roadmap that ignites your imagination.

  • You'd embrace innovation and take MASSIVE FORWARD ACTION ...if only you knew what that looked like.

Your heart is calling & you know there's a better way!


You're destined for great things.

You're ready to take the next step.

You're committed to up-leveling.

If only the underlying sabotage would stop.

Thankfully, neuroscience now allows us to address this!

You've done well to get here and it's time to regain control.

Hi, I'm Lorraine!

With over 30 years of experience in Education, leadership, and personal development, I love working with remarkable individuals - like you - who dare to dream big and aspire to positively impact future generations.

Research studies show 1 in 3 believe something essential is missing and want to identify precisely what's preventing the fulfillment of their desires, goals, and aspirations. Connecting with you now is essential because this life is not a dress rehearsal.

Everyone desires greater peace, power, passion, and purpose to grow, connect, and have strong relationships.

My one-of-a-kind programs focus on aligning your values so you can benefit from the best certifications in Coaching, Hypnosis, NLP Trauma Recovery, Parts Therapy, Positive Intelligence, EMDR, Intergenerational Release, and Past Life Exploration. These processes unplug perfectionism and relieve the self-denial, doubt, and sabotage that undermine your best efforts.

It's the right time to kick toxic anxiety and criticism to the curb and radiate confidence and competence.

You may have read books, listened to podcasts, immersed yourself in free training, and even tried some talk therapy; however, if little has shifted, it's natural to wonder what's next or how THIS might be different.

It's OKAY - I get it!

With a little mindset magic, you can quickly shift perspective to resolve inner conflict, UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL, and FEEL GREAT - on purpose!

here is the thing...

I’ve been passionate about transforming lives for a long time. Overcoming my personal struggles, I've...

  • Studied the brain's neuroplasticity and found fast and effective ways to rewire

  • Written and read books that synthesized the best practices

  • Traveled countless times across the continent to share my work with others

  • Developed strategies to clear limiting decisions at the root cause

  • Discovered precisely how our decisions subtly affect perspectives and the results we achieve

My unique processes easily release the hidden blocks to help you gain lasting transformation!

It doesn't matter who you are or where... science proves this works!

Curious? Here are a few stories of transformation...

Check out these results...!

Karen gained energy and clarity

Carolyn cleared blocks and pain

Amrita experienced more love,

confidence & self-acceptance

Jen feels free, calm, and successful

Getting to the root of an issue means recognizing and shifting the underlying beliefs [notice both have a 'LIE' in them ] so you can quickly...

  • Experience peace of mind and freedom to become a better version of yourself.

  • Remain calm and adeptly handle conflicts to strengthen your relationships.

  • Ignite imagination and unlock your potential to reveal possibilities you aren't aware exist.

  • Achieve clarity and simplify decisions to expand your capacity to receive.

  • Get motivated, supported, and guided to trust yourself as you move forward.


It's time to up-level your life!

I bring together a unique combination of modalities such as coaching, hypnotherapy, somatic work, mindfulness, visualizations, embodiment, and neurolinguistic programming to produce rapid change and quantum shifts for my clients.

Together we’ll work to get to the heart of what’s really holding you back in life. You’ll learn how to get out of your own way and step into your highest self to unlock a whole new world of possibilities.

The best ways to work together...



Unlock your hidden potential and transform your life by building an alliance to align your unconscious and conscious minds.

Uncover the negative thoughts, emotions, and behavior causing challenges and release discomfort, trauma, and even PTSD without having to relive the events.

Gain rapid results that deepen connections and strengthen your relationships. Feel the empowerment, ease, and flow within your incredible life.



Unlock your full potential as you put the power of Stanford research, neuroscience, and performance psychology in the palm of your hand.

A personal assessment customizes the exclusive App for daily guidance and weekly brain training available anywhere 24/7.

Coaching supports your transformation as you recognize new possibilities, enhance your self-worth, and consistently celebrate your WINS!



Motivation, efficiency, and positive work environments are created through shared values, and when team members consistently pull in the same direction, productivity soars.

As values are aligned, unconscious resistance and sabotage end, and the entire business profits from the transformation. I'm often asked: Can a person's values be shifted?


When the latest research, neuroscience, and performance psychology are applied, everyone benefits from the improved workflow.

Begin with one member. Notice the effects. Let's talk about how to make this a net-zero proposition.

Book a time now to talk about up-leveling.

Bonuses to get you started...

Perfectionism Unplugged

A powerful audio introduction to the seven key strategies to rewire your thinking and gain new perception as you transform fear into fuel for success!

Relax For Joy


Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or just need a little zen?

Get the Relax For Joy audio and listen anytime, anywhere

(other than when you operate a car or any heavy machinery)





A gathering of like-minded, accomplished and conscious professionals that meet each month to laugh, play and enjoy intriguing conversation in a fun, casual environment.

Meet quality people who are serious about being in a committed relationship.

Get answers to dating & relationship questions and illuminate your blind spots to more easily recognize your Right Fit person.

success stories:

“Helena was born to be a personal growth coach, because of her natural intuition. She spent many years studying neuroscience and psychology, therefore, she is able to go beyond the surface obstacles that clients present to her and go deeper to find out the sources of unconscious reoccurring barriers to success. Coaching sessions with Helena are enlightening from both personal and professional aspect.”

- Cici McCalman

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Next Level Shifts for Ambitious Leaders & Coaches

A community for like-minded entrepreneurs who want to unlock next-level success and fulfillment.

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